Monday, January 26, 2015

Chicken Rolls

                Not just any chicken rolls… chicken rolls with asparagus and mozzarella! Wow! I know. This was my first time making this from a recipe shared on Facebook. I didn't know how they were going to come out so I made 4 of them, it wasn't until after they were done that I thought I should have made something else with it like mash potatoes. Thank god for a next time, LOL. But this recipe alone is so good, not only is it healthy but all you need is 2 and your full. A pack of chicken cutlet, asparagus and a ball of mozzarella, so simple. Sprinkle some bread crumbs on top if you feel like getting crazy! I cooked the asparagus first, then baked the ingredients together. I used a tooth pick to make it stick. 

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